Platobný modul PrestaShop pre príjem platieb online službou ePlatby VÚB, ktorú prevádzkuje slovenská VÚB banka, a.s..
Aktuálna verzia | 1.0.0 |
Kompatibilita | PrestaShop 1.4.x - 1.7.x |
Podpora multistore | áno |
Dostupné preklady | slovenský, anglický |
Inštalačný manuál | áno |
Dostupnosť aktualizácií | 1 rok |
Platforma | PrestaShop e-commerce |
Developer | Caleydon s.r.o. |
Produkt s požadovanými parametrami už nie je na sklade
Dátum dostupnosti:
Služba ePlatby VÚB umožňuje zákazníkom bezhotovostnú platbu za zakúpený tovar vo Vašom e-shope v prospech Vášho bankového účtu vedeného vo VÚB banke. Modul zabezpečuje šifrovanú komunikáciu medzi Vašim internetovým obchodom PrestaShop a webom VÚB banky -
Testovacie rozhranie:
Prihlasovacie údaje:
Všetky aktuálne obchodné podmienky o prevádzkovaní služby ePlatby VÚB Vám poskytne VÚB banka.
Prejdite prosím na web VÚB banky:
version 1.7.4 (09/29/2019)
x fixed bug in validation process
version 1.7.3 (06/05/2019)
x fixed bug when private message is added after unsuccessful payment
version 1.7.2 (07/02/2018)
x updated a new VUB testing URL -
version 1.7.1 (12/03/2017)
x fixed payment validation process for PrestaShop 1.7.2.x
x fixed & improve the validation process
x fixed bug where wrong an order status was marked as Default (module back-office)
x fixed module translations
x updated module documentation
x improve commenting the code
x fixed not mandatory variables
x fixed translation of the order private message created by the module
+ added order reference code on the return page (when order after payment)
version 1.7.0 (12/26/2016)
+ initial release for PrestaShop 1.7.x (testing environment: PrestaShop
x fixed payment validation process for PrestaShop 1.7.2.x
+ front office redesign for PrestaShop 1.7 Classic theme
+ added Order payment status selectors
+ added a new ePlatby VUB payment status "Unknown"
x changed way of testing mode - now using the official VUB API
x moved validation script into "response" folder
x fixed currency check function
x updated module documentation
x updated "Terms and conditions of use" document
version 1.6.9 (07/02/2018)
x updated a new VUB testing URL -
version 1.6.8 (12/03/2017)
x fixed & improve the validation process
x fixed bug where wrong an order status was marked as Default (module back-office)
x updated module documentation
x improve commentig the code
x fixed not mandatory variables
x fixed translation of the order private message created by the module
+ added order reference code on the return page (when order after payment)
version 1.6.7 (01/28/2017)
+ added dual payment method: Order method selector (creating an order before or after the payment)
+ added new payment statuses "Awaiting ePlatby VUB payment" and "Unknown ePlatby VUB payment"
+ added Order payment status selectors to freedom in pairing module statuses with PrestaShop built-in order statuses
x moved validation script into "response" folder
x moved "img" and "css" folder into "views" folder
x fixed currency check function
x updated module documentation
x updated "Terms and conditions of use" document
x improved the module code
version 1.6.6 (12/13/2016)
+ added compatibility with "Advanced EU Compliance" module
+ added responsive feature for image icons
version 1.6.5 (11/28/2016)
x changed testing process - added official VUB testing environment
x updated module documentation - added new module testing process required by VUB Banka
version 1.6.4 (01/19/2016)
x minor changes
version 1.6.3 (05/25/2015)
+ added product detail icon position and set as default
x improved & unificated CSS to better working with 1.6.x themes
x improved & fixed notification system
x updated & unificated documentation
version 1.6.2 (04/23/2015)
x updated documentation
x updated technical specification from VUB
x updated testing URL
- removed class "col-md-6" from payment.tpl
version 1.6.1 (04/20/2014)
+ module compatibility for PrestaShop 1.6.x
+ new module versioning containing a PrestaShop version
x redesign module Back office for PrestaShop 1.6.x
x updated and improved module Documentation
x changed "Waiting payment" order status color
x redesign e-mail notification templates, including responsive feature
version 1.2 (07/27/2013)
x added full English and Slovak documentation
version 1.1 (06/17/2013)
+ added eplatbyvub.css to design front-end pages
x small design improvements
version 1.0 (12/25/2012)
+ initial release for PrestaShop 1.5.x
+ added a new feature
x fixed issue, updated feature
- removed feature
Momentálne žiadne príspevky (názory) od zákazníkov.