Platobný modul PrestaShop s podporou multi-shop pre príjem platieb prostredníctvom TrustPay (prevody v domácej banke, online platby a interné prevody), a bankovými kartami Visa a MasterCard (TrustCard).
Aktuálna verzia | 1.0.0 |
Kompatibilita | PrestaShop 1.4.x - 1.7.x |
Podpora multistore | áno |
Dostupné preklady | slovenský, český, anglický |
Inštalačný manuál | áno |
Dostupnosť aktualizácií | 1 rok |
Platforma | PrestaShop e-commerce |
Developer | Caleydon s.r.o. |
Produkt s požadovanými parametrami už nie je na sklade
Dátum dostupnosti:
Platobná brána TrustPay je slovenská banková služba (obdoba PayPal), ktorá je schválená a regulovaná Národnou bankou Slovenska. Služba TrustPay umožňuje zákazníkom realizáciu online platieb a platieb kartou za zakúpený tovar vo Vašom e-shope, v prospech Vášho účtu vedeného v TrustPay. Tento modul zabezpečuje šifrovanú komunikáciu medzi Vašim internetovým obchodom PrestaShop a webom TrustPay -
* podporované banky
Slovensko: Tatra banka, Slovenská sporiteľňa, VÚB banka, UniCredit Bank, Poštová banka, ČSOB, Fio banka
Česká republika: Raiffeisen BANK, Komerční banka, ČSOB, mBank, MONETA, UniCredit Bank, Fio banka, Equa bank, Česká spořitelna
Viac informácií so zoznamom aktuálne podprovaných bánk nájdete na
Dôležité: Testovanie plnej funkčnosti platobného modulu nie je možné vykonať na localhoste (lokálne v počítači). Dôvodom je, že Notifikačná URL, ktorá mení stav objednávky na základe výsledku platby, je volaná platobnou bránou TrustPay na pozadí a nie s návratom zákazníka po platbe. Modul preto testujte vždy na online serveri.
Pozrite si video, ako implementovať a otestovať modul:
V dizajne modulu TrustPay vo verejnej časti obchodu sa mi zabrazuje pravý / ľavý stĺpec šablóny, aj keď sa pri iných platobných moduloch nezobrazuje. Kde a ako môžem nastaviť zobrazenie stĺpcov?
Odpoveď: Prejdite prosím do časti Ovládací panel > Predvoľby > Šablóny a logá (Back Office > Preferences > Themes), pri aktuálne zvolenej šablóne kliknite na Upraviť. Následne sa dostanete do časti, kde môžete ovládať zobrazovanie stĺpcov pre rôzne stránky e-shopu. Pre modul TrustPay nájdite položky v tvare "module-trustpay-xxxx" a nastavte zobrazovanie stĺpcov podľa Vášho želania.
Všetky aktuálne obchodné podmienky o prevádzkovaní služby TrustPay Vám poskytne TrustPay, a.s..
Prejdite prosím na web TrustPay:
version 1.7.4 (08/13/2019)
+ added private notes field
x fixed Debug mode warning notification
version 1.7.3 (12/26/2018)
+ added an order validation in return.php file for denied or erroneous transactions (when TrustPay not sending notification to change order status)
x fixed Return and Notification URL & display in the Debugging mode
x updated Response codes list
x updated Supported currencies list
x update TrustPay & TrustCard logos
x updated module documentation:
* whole new testing process explained
* added video tutorial how to implement and test the module
version 1.7.2 (11/28/2017)
x fixed notification URL shape in the documentation
x fixed payment validation and return process for PrestaShop 1.7.2.x
x fixed custom order status variables in the validation.php
x fixed translation of the order private message created by the module
version 1.7.1 (11/05/2017)
x updated payment URL's
x updated bank list and their logos
x updated supported Countries and Languages
- disabled TrustPay Internal payments (already included in Instant Bank Transfers)
- disabled paysafecard payments
x fixed bug with notification about updating statuses of the orders
x completed module translations
x updated module documentation
version 1.7.0 (02/16/2017)
+ initial release for PrestaShop 1.7.x (testing environment: PrestaShop
+ front office redesign for PrestaShop 1.7 Classic theme
+ added Order payment status selectors
x improved testing mode
x fixed currency check function
x updated module documentation
x updated "Terms and conditions of use" document
version 1.6.11 (11/08/2019)
x MAJOR updated release - Merchant Integration Manual; version: 2.0 used -
x fixed return code 200 for notifications about summary payments to merchant
+ inline payment methods: Now you can make the payment without leaving the eshop page.
+ added selector for PrestaShop theme (on/off Material Design Icons)
+ added selector for checkout type (display payment options in the checkout page or single page)
x improved module back office - added an icons and buttons
x updated bank list and their logos
version 1.6.10 (12/26/2018)
+ added an order validation in return.php file for denied or erroneous transactions (when TrustPay not sending notification to change order status)
x fixed Return and Notification URL & display in the Debugging mode
x updated Response codes list
x updated Supported currencies list
x update TrustPay & TrustCard logos
x updated module documentation:
* whole new testing process explained
* added video tutorial how to implement and test the module
version 1.6.9 (12/06/2017)
x updated payment URL's
x fixed notification URL shape in the documentation
x updated supported Countries and Languages
- disabled TrustPay Internal payments (already included in Instant Bank Transfers)
- disabled paysafecard payments
x fixed bug with notification about updating statuses of the orders
x fixed translation of the order private message created by the module
x updated module translations
x updated module documentation
version 1.6.8 (01/28/2017)
+ added automatic redirecting after creating an order (removed "Payment preparation" step)
+ added multi-currency payments support
x terminated TrustPay LITE - no more two TrustPay versions
x improved and simplifying module code
version 1.6.7 (12/15/2016)
+ added compatibility with "Advanced EU Compliance" module
+ added responsive feature for image icons
x important: fixed payment validation process when the payment currency was not eshop default currency
x fixed image CSS positioning
x moved folders "css" and "img" into "views" folder
x updated URL's on TrustPay website
version 1.6.6 (01/19/2016)
x minor changes
version 1.6.5 (05/25/2015)
x improved & unificated CSS to better working with 1.6.x themes
x improved & fixed notification system
x updated & unificated documentation
x fixed payment notification bug
x get correct cart ID and total order amount (Order::getCartIdStatic)
x fixed payment icons align to center
+ added product detail icon position and set as default
+ added private messages formatting
+ added amounts comparison
+ added new payment icon position - in the product detail
version 1.6.4 (04/20/2015)
x updated release - Merchant Integration Manual; version: 2.11 used
x updated countries, currencies and languages list
x changed testing URL's
x updated module documentation
x updated translations
x updated merchant testing environment URL:
+ added new error codes: 1010, 1011
- removed useless class "col-md-6" from payment.tpl
version 1.6.3 (06/30/2014)
x rewritten signature generation process
x improved validation process
x fixed breadcrumb translations
version 1.6.2 (06/18/2014)
x updated release - Merchant Integration Manual; version: 2.6 used
+ added Card info in private message to merchant
+ added a four "Awaiting" new order statuses and his email templates
+ added CardID, CardMask, CardExp, AuthNumber, CardRecTxSec, AcqResId and SIG2 parameter
+ rewritten payment process - first is oreder created and then make the payment
x rewritten notification process - first is order created and then make the payment
- removed 1.4.x order statuses compatibility
version 1.6.1 (05/29/2014)
+ module compatibility for PrestaShop 1.6.x
+ new module versioning containing a PrestaShop version
+ added payment logos switcher on checkout page
x redesign module Back office for PrestaShop 1.6.x
x updated and improved module Documentation
x changed order statuses colors
x redesign e-mail notification templates, including responsive feature
version 1.4 (11/17/2013)
+ updated Czech translation
version 1.3 (07/27/2013)
+ updated release - Merchant Integration Manual; version: 2.0 used
+ added support for countries: Ukrainian and Turkey
+ added support EMA (customer e-mail address) parameter
+ added full English and Slovak documentation
x changed payment and testing URL's
version 1.2 (21.06.2013)
+ TrustPay PRO version
+ TrustPay internal payment implementation
+ TrustCard payment implementation
+ paysafecard payment implementation
version 1.1 (04/04/2013)
+ updated release - Merchant Integration Manual; version: 1.9 used
+ added trustpay.css to design front-end pages
x fixed Announced status icon
+ added e-mail templates auto-copy function [installation module]
+ added RES code #4 and #5
x fixed RES code #1100
version 1.0 (12/22/2012)
x rewriting module architecture for PrestaShop 1.5.x
+ added a new feature
x fixed issue, updated feature
- removed feature
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