PrestaShop 1.6.x payment module for requesting Home Credit loan in Slovakia and Czech republic. Installment service provided by Home Credit Slovakia, Inc..
Current Version | 1.0.0 |
Compatibility | PrestaShop 1.4.x - 1.7.x |
Multistore support | yes |
Translations available | english, slovak, czech |
Installation guide | yes |
Availability of updates | 1 year |
Platform | PrestaShop e-commerce |
Manufacturer | Caleydon s.r.o. |
This product is no longer in stock
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Module sales ended!
Home Credit service allows to customers in youe eshop request for Home Credit loan. This module provides an encrypted communication between your PrestaShop store and the Home Credit website - It can be used for Slovak or Czech loan system.
How to resolve problem with the error notice in step "Home Credit payment order summary":
Notice: Undefined index: manufacturer_name in /modules/homecredit/controllers/front/payment.php on line 46
Go on FTP and remove /cache/class_index.php file.
All current terms and conditions for Home Credit loan service will give you Home Credit Group.
Please, go to Home Credit website: /
version 1.7.2 (05/07/2018)
x fixed & character
version 1.7.1 (04/26/2018)
- removed: module no need Cart.php override anymore to get manufacturer name required by the module. Yeah! It took a long time PrestaShop!
x fixed displaying Home Credit calculator
x merged an icon and loan calculator templates
version 1.7.0 (07/30/2017)
+ initial release for PrestaShop 1.7.x (testing environment: PrestaShop
+ front office redesign for PrestaShop 1.7 Classic theme
+ added order statuses selector
+ added CMS page selector for icon destination link
version 1.6.8 (08/27/2017)
x fixed translation of the order private message created by the module
x enable testing mode
x minor changes
version 1.6.7 (01/07/2017)
x update Cart.php override file from PrestaShop
x moved validation script into "response" folder
x moved "img" and "css" folder into "views" folder
x updated module documentation
x updated "Terms and conditions of use" document
version 1.6.6 (11/27/2016)
+ added: open loan calculator in new window
+ added new logotype source file (.ai)
x update Home Credit logotype
version 1.6.5 (01/19/2016)
x minor changes
version 1.6.4 (12/05/2015)
x fixed g_producer parameter, when no product's producer assigned
x updated documentation
x updated module logo dimensions to 57x57px
+ added displaying loan calculator on when product price is in the range
- removed testing working mode
version 1.6.3 (05/25/2015)
+ added product detail icon position and set as default
x improved & unifying unified CSS to better working with 1.6.x themes
x improved & fixed notification system
x updated & unified documentation
version 1.6.2 (03/04/2015)
+ added e-mail templates resposive layout
version 1.6.1 (09/29/2014)
+ module compatibility for PrestaShop 1.6.x
+ new module versioning containing a PrestaShop version
x redesign module Back office for PrestaShop 1.6.x
x updated and improved module Documentation
x improved validation process
+ added English email notification templates
+ added module version info into module setting page
x fixed order ID in payment.php
version 1.1 (09/19/2013)
x fixed order amount limit issue in order preparation step
version 1.0 (09/01/2013)
x rewritig module architecture for PrestaShop 1.5.x
+ added homecredit.css to design frontend pages
x payment icon fix
x small design improvements
+ added a new feature
x fixed issue, updated feature
- removed feature
PrestaShop payment module for requesting Quatro loan. Service provided by Consumer Finance Holding (Slovakia).
PrestaShop platobný modul pre zažiadanie Ahoj pôžičky. Službu prevádzkuje Amico Finance, a.s., dcérska spoločnosť Poštová banka a.s.
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